Compute Ontario Committees
Technical Leadership Advisory Council (TLAC)
The Technical Leadership Advisory Council provides expert technical advice, support, guidance and recommendations related to Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) to the Compute Ontario (CO) management and other stakeholders. The primary focus of the group will be to identify, understand, and respond to challenges and opportunities related to the technical and operational DRI needs of Ontario researchers. This will include supporting the development and updating of Compute Ontario’s Technology Strategy as well as considering needs related to data centers, computing, data management and software.
Danny Gruner, SciNet
Francis Jeanson, Ontario Brain Institute (OBI)
John Morton, SHARCNET
Lincoln Stein, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Amaz Taufique, Scholars Portal
Training Advisory Committee (TAC)
The Training Advisory Committee provides expert technical advice, support, guidance and recommendations concerning training in the Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) ecosystem to the Compute Ontario (CO) management and other stakeholders. The primary focus of the Committee will be to identify, understand, and respond to challenges and opportunities related to the DRI training needs of Ontario researchers. The Committee reports to the Technical Leadership Advisory Council (TLAC).
Sergey Mashchenko, SHARCNET
Andrei Turinsky, Sick Kids
Ramses van Zon, SciNet
Elise Degen, CAC
Christina DeRoche, Canadore College
Michelle Edwards, University of Guelph
Meghan Goodchild, Queen’s University and Scholars Portal
Berenica Vejvoda, University of Windsor
Danica Evering, McMaster University
Jane Fry, Carleton University
Amal Khalil, Queen's University/CAC
Research Data Management Advisory Committee (RDMAC)
The Research Data Management Advisory Committee (RDMAC) provides expert technical advice, support, guidance and recommendations concerning research data management (RDM) to Compute Ontario (CO) management and other stakeholders. RDM is a key part of the broader Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) ecosystem; as such, the primary focus of the Committee will be to identify, understand, and respond to challenges and opportunities related to both RDM itself, and RDM as it intersects with advanced research computing (ARC) and research software (RS) to meet the DRI needs of Ontario researchers.
Nasser Abukhdeir, University of Waterloo
Brendan Behan, Ontario Brain Institute
Alexandra Cooper, Queen's University
Kate Davis, University of Toronto and Ontario Council of University Libraries Scholars Portal
Dylanne Dearborn, University of Toronto
Rose-Marie Dolinar, Humber College
Oliver Goodison-Powell, Conestoga College
Jean-Pierre Hickey, University of Waterloo
Ping Liang, Brock University
Isaac Pratt, McMaster University